Rocket Revenue

Conveyor Belt or Bust: Your Funnel CAN be a Sales Machine

Rocket Shipping Episode 14

A 'Conveyor Belt' of a Sales Machine: it's one way that Rocket Shipping has engineered Predictable Revenue Growth.

In this value-packed solo episode of #RocketRevenue, Barter pulls back the curtain on the simple yet powerful meeting rhythm: review deals one-on-one, while the "hypo" group session allows him to use his years of experience to creatively unstick opportunities.

A leader gets in the trenches alongside his team - making calls, drafting proposals, and providing hands-on training. It's true leadership by example that builds a rep's excitement to constantly feed the funnel. 

Invest in your sellers, give them tangible reasons for activity, and foster an environment where they want to hustle for you as a trusted partner - not just hit numbers for a more distant, disconnected manager.

Whether you're a founder, sales leader or hungry rep, gain the inside look that matters.

Real management philosophies that empower individual contributors and engineer your sales team into a predictable revenue-generating machine.